Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I don't have anything to say yet im compelled to write anyways.

I sit here at 514am not able to sleep so I think about what I can do as the most productive use of my time.
I got it. I'll write nonsense for a few people to read.  Let's begin, I will talk about my day in general.

I talked to my bestfriend, my mommy, several other good friends, and to cake.  It was a good day.

I had a couple awesome orgasms, I ate a chicken pot pie, and I got my nails did.

I listened to a podcast that made me laugh my ass off and inspired me to think about writing down my comedic thoughts.

I watched an old show that used to PISS ME THE FUCK OFF because it involves people with a bar code tattoo.  The show premiered a few months after I already had my barcode tattoo.  It always made me think that people thought I got mine because of the show.

I am a fucking original.
That show copied me. 
Fuck you James Cameron. 

Also, I have always wanted a pet pig.  Fuck you Honey Boo Boo and Paris Hilton.

Stupid no-pets rule at my house.

Whelp it's time to power nap before I goto the office.

Thanks for reading, pumpkin.

1 comment:

  1. You are very original,I second Your "Fuck You James Cameron" lol and OMG Honey Boo Boo has a pig? You have not shown me that one. What in the name of gawds are You doing awake at 5:14 am, that's just wrong lol Love Your blogs! have a good day.
