Sunday, August 18, 2013

Living forever

I want to make something that makes me immortal.  I write jokes, i blog, i twitter..  yet I want something in my life that i can press to text or sound out and record that makes me remembered, forever.

I know that is a selfish notion yet I have it nonetheless.

I have decided to write a screenplay.  A movie that will never be filmed, I get that.  I just hope to God that something of myself will imprint on the general public in order to make me remembered.

I figured this stupid notion of writing a movie is the first step

I'm a selfish fuck who wants to be remembered.. lalalalala...  yeah, i get that.

The movie i'm writing is self absorbed, selfish, and almost trivial.  I get that.

It's super fun tho!

Action drama, you are about to meet your highly under qualified match!

Ridicule is the worst that can happen.  Who knows? It might actually be good.