Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My friend

My friend adores me.

She wont admit it to my mouth but she does.

Here is the proof.

I dont tear up... i really do not....  yet there were times i did.

this is one of them,....

Monday, April 28, 2014


I sit heer on my couch waiting for my comcast guy to show up, our cable is fucked.  So
I sit here lamenting and keep thinking of things. First and foremost is that my best friends are
not talking to me.  I get why Kina is upset with me.  She told me she hated her birthday and being 30 years old so i didn't pester her when it came..  imma dick, i get that now.  I did say "oi" as a kinda toe in the water.  Yet I didnt receive a response.  2nd is i was shot down by a girl... thats new to me.  I dont understand why...  im kind of a catch...  im moderately handsome... i have all my teeth and im funny.

Eat a dick if you think otherwise.

Why am i still single?

Is it my new sleeve? Is it because imma big black guy? Is it that i dote on my mommy? Is it that i call my mommy, "mommy"?

Is it because i want children and refuse to pull out?

Who knows? Clearly I dont.

SO here i sit in contemplation apologizing for the "heer" earlier in this post..  i was channeling my inner Nelly.

I want my bestie back.  I hope she reads this and sends me a message soon.

I didn't forget her birthday and cant wait for her to see my sleeve.

What do i need to do?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


I love poopin....  so for any of those in need.... here is a recipe that wont fail;

kale smoothie /w yogurt for breakfast

kale, cucumber,  souless root, pear, apple, strawberry. apple juice, etc etc (make your own on this)

That will clear you out, trust me.
If not seek medical attn.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


I can't think of anything to write about.. ive thought of personal experiences to place thought here. They are specifically to my likes. I thought about curry, cartoons, sword fighting on a construction site, my screenplay, sobriety, my bestfriend, recipes, how ticklish I am, my boomboom, family, my friends and pop culture.

It seems I dont have a singular focus. Not sure I really want one, is that so bad?

Oh, who cares.  This blog is me embracing my inner lycanthrope and howling at the moon.  I know of two people who might possibly pay attention to my inane ramblings.  One is my bestfriend and the other is my boomboom. Then again they are contractually obligated to look at my written nonsense every now and again. Or maybe always?

I am plotting..  not only charming im crafty!

Boomboom thinks she will gain weight with my current plot...  let me digress about that.


I'll love it!

Fucking relax!

Adding weight to your skinny ass is a blessing.

Oh, and the baby that shows up too.

Kina will be godmother and keep the hellion out of our hair consistently.

Your Daddy is a black guy, so in the meantime... eat some beans and rice.

P.S. Do not get it twisted, i said "your" just to be in sync.  We all know that ass is mine.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Tatts are fun

To the point where my artist tells me to relax....  im doing to much.

I am up to about a full sleeve in 4 days.  My tattoo artist is pretty much as inked as anyone and even he said....

"Dude, you are hard core."

20hrs of tattoo in 4 days... lets see you try it.

Certain people like my bitch and bestie have already had a peek...  when it stops being scabby and shit ill post here.