Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meet Phillip

I stepped into a bar the other night...  a random one that I fell upon because I fell asleep on the train and overshot my stop.,,  I only went in to use the phone.  If you are reading this blog you know how I feel about cellphones.  Fuck them.

It was a country bar.  Oh the hilarity.. but i'm like a chameleon.  I totally fit in.

So here I am a lone negro, (YokoNegro),  in a country bar full of people with shit kickers on and wearing cowboy hats made of..  and I shit you not..  recycled Coors light 12pk cartons.

I only stopped to use the phone yet for some odd masochistic reason..  I felt the need to stay,  listen to shitty music,  watch pretty white bitches who CANNOT dance hop around,  and torment my ulcer with a beer.

I grinned the whole time.

The things I do for my blog.