Monday, April 22, 2013

My intangible lover

What is it about music that just makes you feel so fucking good? I sleep to it and wake up to it.  I listen to it throughout my day.  It's constantly in my ear and to be honest, I wish I had the ability to thank it properly.  I love you music.  You have been there for me during my break ups, my losses, the times I was on drugs,  and then when I came off of them.  You have soothed me when I had anxiety,  you lifted me when I was down.  I consider you a friend of the most special sort.

Thank you music. I appreciate you in your entirety.

Seriously, check my iPad. If there is a part of you I havent touched upon just let me know.

It will be added and appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. You are just plain awesomesauce, I love how You think, grab onto things most people take for granted. You have an appreciation for so many things that most of the world overlooks. May I say, in THIS case, its paying You back, in full, with interest, cause Your knowledge and love of music astounds me, Its so much a part of You, I have come to think of the two as hinging upon the other. I would like to thank You for sharing Your lover with me :)
