Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm wise and shit..

Once upon a time I was walking along a road lost in thought.  Contemplating as well as thinking to myself...

"Fuck me in the asshole without any lube, life isnt going so well."

And during this walk, with my head tilted to the sky, I failed to see a hole in the ground.

And I fell in.

I was fucked. Royally fucked.

I screamed and I yelled. I cursed and I cried.

Until a minister walked by.

I beseeched him, "Father, I'm stuck down here, I cannot get out!"

He threw down a prayer.

"Pray your way out"

It didn't work.

"My son!" he said, "i will go to church and pray on your behalf, we will pray you out!"

Nothing happened.

A doctor walked by.

I screamed and I yelled, I cursed and I cried.

He threw down a prescription.

"Medicate your way out."

It didnt work out.

"I'll call an ambulance!" he said.

No one showed up.

And then my friend walked by.  And before I could begin to scream and yell...

She jumped in..

"You dumbass!" I said.

"Now we are both stuck down here!"

"Yes" she said.

"But I've been down here, and I know the way out."


In closing.

Don't be a pussy... if yer bummed about something talk to one of your friends, they've prolly been through the same shit. Or go see a shrink.


~This blog post is brought to you by some emo post I saw on IMVU/Facebook/Twitter~

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Sensei, You are not casting pearls before swine, im stealing this gem for future holes i fall in, jus sayin
